Inmersiones lingüísticas en España y Extranjero S0LICITA INFORMACIÓN HOY MISMO
Inmersiones lingüísticas en España y Extranjero                                     S0LICITA INFORMACIÓN HOY MISMO


                             LEARN SPANISH IN GRANADA, SPAIN!!!!


Whatever your reason for learning Spanish, be it professional or just for fun, MIND has the right course for you! We tailor our courses to our students' individual needs, to help you get the most out of your time with us. Of course, studying with us is more than simply learning the Spanish language - it's also about experiencing the rich culture of Spain and having new experiences with people from every corner of the globe!


We understand what makes learning Spanish easy; high-quality tuiton tailored to your needs, teachers that not only know the theory but know how to make learning easy, and being in a group of like-minded people from all over the world!


Not only will we teach you the language, we aim to give you a broad view of Spain and Spanish life too! You will learn about Spanish culture, history and customs, and we organise lots of excursions and activities in and around Granada...



"The language classes are held by  very competent and friendly teachers. The content of the lessons is  adapted to the pupils' skills and knowledge. Thanks to their experience, the teachers are able to do the classes exclusively in Spanish even on a beginner's level. Thus, the pupils are highly motivated seeing that they can communicate without translation."


- Anne Sailer, Teacher and Director in Burladigen school in Germany




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ESCRÍBENOS: info@formació

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